Nightly Prayer

  •   Sunday November 01, 2020 from 12:00 am - Wednesday January 06, 2021 12:00 am

As we enter into the season of Advent, we invite you to end your day with prayer instead of social media and the news. Join us on our Facebook page live at 9pm to pray for our city, our nation, and the world with a simple evening prayer liturgy with one of our leaders. Download compline prayers below to pray with the livestream, on your own, or with your household.

Join us for weekly Prayer and Worship with some of our musicians and worship leaders on Wednesdays at 9pm throughout Advent: 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12/23.

Join us for Nightly Prayer as we celebrate and stay connected during the 12 days of Christmas, from Christmas Day on 12/25 through Epiphany Day on 1/6.

What is compline?

Compline, also known as Night Prayer or Prayers at the End of the Day, is the final church service of the day in the Christian tradition of praying at fixed times or offices during the day. The word compline means complete, as in the completion of the working day. It includes Psalms and Scriptures specifically chosen for right before going to bed.

Download Compline Prayers

Prayer Practices

This resource includes practices of silence, imaginative prayer (lectio divina), prayer reflecting back on your day (daily examen), and prayer for others.

Download Prayer Practices